Terms & Conditions


ABOUT US: Aaant Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (which expression shall include its affiliates, subsidiaries, associates, successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to as “we”, “us”, “our” or “the Company”, as the context may require) is the author and owner of the Platform (as defined herein below) in the name and style of ‘Wellness Atlas’.

Wellness Atlas was conceived out of a necessity to create a common platform to bring people together to share their experiences and learnings and to provide inspiration through their personal wellness journeys, towards better health and recovery, collectively referred to as the Wellness Community. Wellness Atlas is an umbrella platform for enabling wellness communities around the world to be more effective and efficient through its various platforms, courses, programs and processes.

APPLICABILITY OF TERMS AND POLICIES: The terms and conditions as set out herein, and as may be revised and notified from time to time on the Platform (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms”) govern the access and usage of the User (as defined herein below) on the Platform and constitute a legally binding agreement between the Company, which owns and operates the Platform and the User of the Platform. By accessing, browsing, or otherwise using the Platform, you are indicating your agreement to our Terms, and our Privacy Policy and any other policies or guidelines as may be applicable and as notified on the Platform from time to time (collectively, “Policies”). All the Policies as notified on the Platform from time to time are deemed to be incorporated by reference in these Terms and Conditions. If you disagree with any part of the Policies, then you should discontinue access or use of the Platform. We reserve the right to terminate your account and/ or deny access to the User or the Platform, if it is brought to our notice that you have violated any of these Terms. Please read the Policies carefully before proceeding.

For the purpose of these Terms:

(a) “User” shall mean any person who accesses, browses, or otherwise uses the Platform in any manner, and references to “you” or “your” herein shall also mean a User;

(b) “Content” shall mean the materials displayed or available on or through the Platform, including, but not limited to, text, graphics, data, articles, photos, images, illustrations, User Submissions (defined below), and so forth; 

(c) “Platform” shall mean the website available at: https://www.thewellnessatlas.com, which includes its corresponding Facebook page available at: https://www.facebook.com/thewellnessatlas/, Instagram page with the handle @thewellnessatlas;

(d) “Programs” shall mean and include the activities organized or hosted by us on the Platform, including by way of webinars, workshops, courses and work-out sessions.

In order to participate in the Programs, the Users shall in addition to ensuring compliance with the Terms herein, register by filing requisite forms, log in using the registered email id and password on the Platform.

In relation to your participation in the Programs, please note that your continued access and use of the Platform represents that the information provided by you at the time of registration is accurate and up to date in all regards. In case of any change in your personal information, post your registration as User of the Platform, you hereby undertake to update the same within a reasonable time. For details relating to collection of your information, please read our Privacy Policy.

Further, please be informed that we are continuously working to improve your experience on the Platform, and to this end we may from time to time change the Terms and Policies that govern your use of the same, without any prior notice. In this regard, we request you to familiarise yourself periodically with the Terms and Policies.

By accepting the Terms during registering with us, you also accept to receive news, updates and related SMS, to the mobile phone number provided by the User.

If you have any query regarding the Terms and Policies, you may contact us anytime at: support@thewellnessatlas.com

REGISTRATION INFORMATION: In relation to the information provided by you at the time of registration for the Programs, you agree to provide us with accurate, complete, and updated information about yourself. Further, if we decide or if it comes to our knowledge that the information provided to us is invalid or inappropriate, as solely determined by us, we reserve the right to terminate your account and/or deny access to the Platform.

You represent and warrant that you are of legal age to form a binding contract (or if not, you have received your parent’s or guardian’s permission to use the Platform and your parent or guardian have agreed to these Terms on your behalf). If you are agreeing to these Terms on behalf of an organization or entity, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to agree to these Terms on that organization or entity’s behalf and bind them to these Terms (in which case, the references to “you” and “your” in these Terms, except for in this paragraph, refer to that organization or entity).

You agree that you will not share your account or password with anyone, and you must protect the security of your account and your password. In this regard, you will be responsible for the activities associated with your account. Further, you agree that you will access and use the Platform solely for your personal, non-commercial use, and not on behalf of or for the benefit of any third party, and only in a manner that complies with all the applicable laws. You agree that we will not be held responsible for your using the Platform in contravention to the applicable laws.

You agree and acknowledge that we may in our sole discretion: (a) restrict, change, suspend, or terminate your access to all or any part of the Platform; (b) reject, move, or remove any material that may be submitted by you; (c) move or remove any Content that is available on the Platform; (d) deactivate or delete your account and all related information and files thereof; (e) establish general practices and limits concerning use of the Platform; and (f) assign rights and liabilities with respect to your account hereunder, to any other entity.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, you acknowledge and agree that you shall have no ownership or other interest in your account registered with us, and you further acknowledge and agree that all rights in and to the account are and shall be owned by us.

ACCESS TO PLATFORM AND PARTICIPATION IN PROGRAMS: We hereby grant you a limited right to access the Platform, register your account on the Platform and participate in the Programs. You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, or otherwise exploit any portion of Platform for commercial purpose, without our express written consent. You agree not to utilize any of our trademark, logo, or other proprietary information (including the Content) relating to Platform, without our express written consent.

While accessing and using the Platform, you hereby agree and undertake that you will be responsible for all the information that you host, display, upload, modify, publish, transmit, update or share on the Platform and thereof, you agree not to host, display, upload, modify, publish, transmit, update or share any information which:

  1. belongs to another person and to which you do not have any right;

  2. contravenes the provisions of the Terms and Policies or the applicable laws;

  3. may be construed as infringement of a third-party’s intellectual property rights, or depiction of any third party’s intellectual property, unless you have written explicit permission from such third party or are otherwise legally entitled to do so;

  4. contains viruses or other malicious code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer resource;

  5. is grossly harmful, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, obscene, paedophilic, libellous, invasive of another’s privacy, or racially, ethnically objectionable, disparaging, relating, or encouraging money laundering or gambling, harm minors in any way or otherwise unlawful in any manner whatever;

  6. may be construed to contain, hate speech, threatening language, pornographic images or graphics or sound recordings, graphic or gratuitous violence;

  7. disables, overburdens, or impairs the proper working or appearance of the Platform;

  8. impersonates another person;

  9. threatens the unity, integrity, defence, security or sovereignty of India, friendly relations with foreign states, or public order or causes incitement to the commission of any cognizable offence or prevents investigation of any offence or is insulting any other nation; or

  10. is misleading or known to be false in any way.

You hereby expressly authorise us to disclose any information about you to law enforcement or other government officials, as we, in our sole discretion, believe it necessary or appropriate, in connection with the investigation and/ or resolution of possible crimes, especially those that may involve personal injury. This may include, without limitation, disclosure of the information in connection with investigation of alleged illegal activity or solicitation of illegal activity or in response to a lawful court order.

You agree that some of the posts and information that you upload and publish on the Platform (“User Submissions”) are viewable by other Users, hence in order to display your User Submissions on the Platform, and for the purpose of making such User Submission accessible to the Users, you grant us the license in those User Submissions, to modify, reproduce, display, distribute such User Submission, and otherwise act with respect to such User Submission. Please note that this is also subject to our Privacy Policy to the extent they relate to User Submissions, that are also your personally identifiable information. You further agree and acknowledge that your User Submissions will remain available and viewable to other Users even when you delete your account.

You understand that you are voluntarily using the Platform and that reliance on the Content on the Platform is solely at your own discretion, risk and responsibility.

You undertake and understand that you are required to consult with your physical, medical practitioner or health care provider regarding any medical condition or disorder or health-related issues, before participating in any of the Programs. No guarantee or responsibility shall be taken by us for any results or adverse effects or any kind of injury to the body in this regard.

You understand and agree that any interactions and associated issues with other Users or the members of the Wellness Community are strictly between you and such other Users or the members of the Wellness Community. You shall not hold the Company, or its affiliates, officers, directors, employees and agents responsible for any such interactions and we shall not be held responsible or liable for the same.

INDEMNITY: You agree to defend, indemnify and hold us, our affiliates, officers, directors, employees and agents, harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs or debt, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney’s fees) arising from: (a) your use of the Platform; (b) your violation of any term of the Policies; (c) your violation of any third party right, including without limitation any copyright, trademark, property, or privacy right; or (d) any claim that your information caused damage to a third party. This indemnification obligation will survive the termination of the Policies and your use of the Platform.

DISCLAIMER OF REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES AND LIABILITIES: We do not represent ourselves to be medical practitioners or health-care professionals or experts. We do not render any medical advice or diagnosis or treatment. The Content on the Platform are only for general information on health and wellness, and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from medical practitioners or health professionals. It is expressly stated that we do not endorse any specific tests, physicians, products or procedures to the Users of the Platform.

The Content on the Platform are on the basis of the general information available in the public domain and the personal experience and learning of the individuals comprising the Wellness Community. We do not make any representation and assume no liability for the accuracy or completeness of the said information.

We expressly disclaim all and any liability for any loss, whether personal or otherwise, occasioned to any User by acting or refraining from acting on the basis of the Content on the Platform or through the Programs offered by the individual members of Wellness Community, whether as a direct or indirect consequence thereof. It is clarified that we shall in no event be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or other damages relating to the use of the Content on the Platform or the Programs.

The blogs and testimonials published on the Platform are strictly based on the views, opinions and experiences of the writers, and do not constitute an endorsement by us, or intend to be a guarantee or representation by us. We do not take any responsibility for the statements and the comments in the blogs and testimonials which are published on the Platform.

All opinions expressed by the Content creators, including but not limited to authors, blog writers, video creators, presenters, speakers, wellness coaches or volunteers, are solely their opinions and do not reflect the opinion of the Company.

The opinions of the Content creators and members of the Wellness Community are based on information they consider reliable, and the same should be relied upon solely at the discretion of the User.

It is hereby clarified we do not endorse, support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of the content or communications on the Platform or as provided to you in the Programs or by any member of the Wellness Community. We are not responsible for the content of the Programs, which are only hosted and organized by us. We may not monitor or control such content or communication with respect to the Programs, and we disclaim any responsibility or liability originating from the same.

The platform hosts, maintains and gives access to a profile page under the title Wellness Coach for members who apply based on predetermined criteria including but not limited to number of transformations, experience and contribution to the community and may not be required to do a certification, degree or qualification as a nutritionist, dietician, doctor or any allied medical certification. We can not govern, control, monitor or take responsibility for their individual dealings and recommendations. They are free to suggest their choice of brands, services or websites/trainings from their personal experience and adoption/purchase/involvement is at your discretion.

You agree and acknowledge that the Content on the Platform are provided by us on an “as is” basis without warranty of any kind, express, implied, statutory or otherwise. Without limiting the foregoing, we make no warranty that:

  1. your requirements will be met or that the usage or access to the Platform will be uninterrupted, secure, or error-free; or

  2. materials, information, and results obtained will be effective, accurate or reliable.

You agree and acknowledge that we will have no liability related to the Content on the Platform, arising under intellectual property rights, libel, privacy, publicity, obscenity, or any other applicable laws. We further disclaim all liability with respect to the misuse, loss, modification, or unavailability of any Content on the Platform.

You agree that any access to the Platform, and all aspects related to downloading material or data is done entirely at your own discretion and risk and you will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer systems or yourself or loss of data that results from the download of such material or data.

Notwithstanding anything, our liability, if any, shall be limited to and shall not, under any circumstances (and whether for breach of contract, or in tort, or otherwise under law), exceed the fee, as applicable, actually paid to us for participation in the Programs.

REFUND POLICY: In case you are not satisfied with an event that you attended, we will refund the event upto a period of 30 days limited to the amount paid by the individual. To discontinue any subscriptions for services, please send an email to support@thewellnessatlas.com with your details and your subscription shall be discontinued from the next cycle. There shall be no refund for the time that you have agreed to use the services, events, data, material that you agreed to use with the express permission of Wellness Atlas, whether you used the intellectual property or not.

SEVERABILITY: If any provision of these Terms is held by any Court or other competent authority to be void or unenforceable in whole or part, such provision shall not be deemed to be part of these Terms of and these Terms shall continue to be valid with the remaining provisions being unaffected.

GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION: These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India. The Courts at Bangalore (Karnataka) shall have the exclusive jurisdiction in all matters arising under these Terms. 

DISPUTE RESOLUTION: All disputes or differences whatsoever arising between the User and the Company out of or relating to the construction, meaning, operation or effect of these Terms and Policies of the Company or breach thereof shall be amicably settled by mutual discussions; failing which such disputes or differences shall be referred to a sole Arbitrator, to be appointed by mutual consent. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 (as amended). The place of Arbitration shall be at Bangalore (Karnataka) and in English language. The decision of the arbitration shall be final and binding on the both the parties and the costs of arbitration shall be borne equally by the parties.

Privacy Policy

a. Data Collection.

i.  Voluntary Data Collection. Wellness Atlas collects information that you provide to us under various circumstances, including when you complete a form, enroll in a course, join a Facebook group, enter a promotion, enroll in the Caoch network, or otherwise communicate with Wellness Atlas.  That information may include your name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, gender, age, payment information, and any other information you provide or display in that circumstance.

ii. Automatic Data Collection.  Wellness Atlas also collects information when you visit any of our Sites or learning platforms.  That information may include information about your device, IP address and general physical location derived from it, nature of phone service, referring URL’s,, operating system, browser type,  link clicks and page visits, interactions with video players, tools, and widgets.

iii. Use of Data.  Wellness Atlas uses information about you for various legitimate interests, including: helping Wellness Atlas to detect and prevent fraud; improve network security; provide, maintain and improve the Sites and learning platforms; process transactions; personally communicate with you; improve your user and learning experience; improve our advertising and marketing efforts; facilitate promotions; to contact users about programs or courses for which they have expressed interest; to distinguish adults from minors; and for other legitimate interests.  Information about you will be maintained only as long as necessary to serve Wellness Atlas’s legitimate interests.  If, at any time, you want to update or correct your information or would like us to restrict or discontinue using your information, you can contact us at Wellness Atlasadmin@wellnessquotient.community.  Note that, in some cases, a request to restrict or discontinue the use of your information may prevent you from continuing to enjoy certain products or services.

iv. Disclosure of Data.  From time to time, Wellness Atlas may also share some of your information with our business partners to operate and improve the Sites and learning platforms, to process payments, transmit emails, conduct promotions, host and protect data, manage ads, offer technical and customer support, and for other legitimate interests.  For example, if you opt-in to receive Wellness Atlas marketing materials or other promotional items, Wellness Atlas may provide your information to third parties entrusted with fulfilling those requests.  You may opt out of receiving those and other emails from Wellness Atlas at any time through the unsubscribe or manage preference link included in such emails.

Wellness Atlas also discloses information when required to do so by law, or when Wellness Atlas in good faith believes such action is necessary to protect the property or rights of Wellness Atlas, third parties or the public at large.

b. Use of "Cookies."

1st Party Cookies

A “cookie” is a small text file placed on a user’s computer used to store information about the user. Wellness Atlas may use cookies to track the pages that users to the Site visit during their online session, for marketing and advertising purposes, to help Wellness Atlas improve users’ experiences, and/or to help Wellness Atlas understand how the Site is being used.

Users who do not wish to have cookies placed on their computers should disable cookies through their web browser settings, with the understanding that disabling cookies may diminish a user’s experience on the Site and that certain features of the Site may not function properly without the aid of cookies.  Cookies are not harmful and cannot introduce viruses or extract PII.

3rd Party Cookies

Wellness Atlas may allow third party companies to set and access their own cookies. Such “third party cookies” are used to collect data about the Site’s traffic, for statistical analysis about the advertisements on the Site and to further customize and enhance a user’s experience on the Site. Third party cookies may also be used for traffic and conversion analysis and/or remarketing purposes, which may include, inter alia, promoting display ads based upon users’ past behavior, showing Wellness Atlas ads across the Internet and providing reporting on users’ interactions with our ad services.  Wellness Atlas does not control third party cookies and third party cookies are not governed by this Privacy Policy, but rather are governed by the privacy policy of the third party companies.

Users may choose to opt out of or disable third party cookies. Advertisers may allow users to opt out of ads by visiting their websites and customizing the user’s ad settings.

c. Assignment of Rights.  In the event of an assignment, sale, joint venture, or other transfer of some or all of Wellness Atlas’s assets, you agree Wellness Atlas may assign, sell, license or transfer any information that you have provided to us.